Okay, this is not a lecture. :) I just want to share something that's helped me to kick some bad habits that were bringing me down and leading me to a harmful pattern of emotional eating as a coping mechanism!
1. No matter how much work you have to do; MAKE time for Your wellbeing, health and peace of mind. (Notice that I wrote MAKE instead of FIND time). The work will still be there tomorrow - you'll be more refreshed and stronger to tackle it then than now. An hour of your time to walk/run (whatever busts your bubble) won't hurt.
2. Surround yourself with positive, like minded people. Negativity will drag you down to the ground and do nothing to enhance your personal growth. Positive people, think positive, support you, encourage you, inspire you, make you smile and forget the worries of the world.
3. Have a little fun. Whatever you like to do. Do it! We only live once. Just make sure it's nothing illegal! Lol!
4. DO NOT procrastinate! It's a great agent for stress and unnecessary pressure! Prioritise, strategise, and get things done when they're meant to be done! Work smarter not harder!
5. Delegate! I've learned (as a mother of 5) that I can't do everything on my own! Delegate chores in your home. Delegate responsibilities - it's a great way for your teens and your husband to step up and pull their weight around the house! If they don't - hold them to it! Don't try and be a Heroine/Hero - you'll end up either hospitalised or replaced! LOL!
6. Persistency! Set goals and systems and follow it through!
7. YOU time! Make sure there's always quiet time for you! To think, to pray to be in sync with your inner souls and mind! Very soothing and therapeutic!
8. TLC - I know there's a lot of FUN you things on this List! That's the whole point! Take care of #1 first and the rest will fall through! Usually! :) My idea of TLC - girl time!! i round up my girls! My friends and cuzzies, we laugh and bitch and vent and do what girls do best - F. U. N!
9. Family! Of everything - time with my family, is priceless! Turn off your phone (I'm still learning this one), just be with them. I love my time with my kids and my mom. Hearing what the kids have to say about their day. Silently holding hands and watching TV with my husband! BLISS! That's what I try to do to stay afloat and to keep going everyday and keep stress at bay! :) Hope it helps anyone!