Faikakala - translated literally - creating, making up stories and then spreading it.
Stories that are mostly fabricated from lies, susequently generating rumours and this month's leading content for what my lady friends and I like to call -'Coconut Wireless Communications'.
When I was an active journalist - people used to refer to news reporters as le a'u faikakala. They still do. Thankfully - it's a profession where you quickly adapt to harsh public criticism and acquire thick skin. Resilience becomes your very best friend and you just turn on selective hearing/reading mode when you hear such ignorant references.
I say ignorant because folks never really think before they make stereotype remarks about the profession.
Mainstream media are the 'watchdogs' for any community. A democracy is only as good as its media. Journalists work on gathering factual information to question policies, processes, and decisions that affect their communities and equip the general public with factual information to make informative decisions that impact on their livelihoods and community wellness. Other areas of journalism focus on spreading awareness on global economic, political, health, environmental issues to effect similar outcomes and more.
That to me is - telling a story - these are stories that need to be told to assist the public in making informative decisions.
Freedom of the Media and Freedom of Speech enable journalists to access public information and report on that information in the interests of public rights to accountability and transparency of information that affects the public.
Telling a story and 'making' up malicious stories/rumours about individuals that affect their reputation and how people perceive them are two very different things.
'Making up' stories, with malicious intention to destroy someone's reputation, exploit their personal choices, their personal decisions, their personal lives - now that is Faikakala by Lokoleaga Productions, Edited by Fa'akele and Fa'apopo Company; and spread for the amusement of The Coconut Wireless Communications followers by Fela'ua'i Kala Broadcasting!
When a headline of the sort hits the newsboard ask yourself these questions:
1. Does it affect the economy and my financial situation?
2. Does it affect the way politicians make decisions on my behalf or on public policies?
3. Will it better my health or my understanding of health services?
4. Will it better my children's education or the general education system?
5. Will it improve issues of global environmental impact - like the Ozone Layer thinning, Pacific Atolls sinking, Serian Wars, refugee, starvation, human trafficking etc?
6. Will it assist in reducing crime, boosting motivation of addicts for treatment, addressing issues of public safety and security and justice?
7. Will it make me a better person mentally? Will I feel good about myself after? Will I get an award for it? Will I get any money for it? Will it help boost my bank account?
8. Will it get me a job? A degree? A house? A car?
9. Is it going to teach my children lifelong lessons about how to be a responsible adult?
10. Last but not the least - Is it any of my business?
If you have answered no to all 10 questions then you should have enough intelligence and self respect to say that you don't want to hear it, read it, like it or let alone talk about it and repeating it to the next person.
Because that is not news - that is GOSSIP. As in Faikakala.
The ones who start gossip are of gossip the same stroke as the ones who listen to it and repeat it without even checking if it's true but more importantly if it was any of their business!
This post has been inspired from seeing Facebook statuses of Samoan women degrading each other - and adding fuel to the fire by using malicious gossip from their so called support networks to cut and stab each other. What they don't realize is that the sams people who are pressing 'like' on the other's statuses are then going on to the other woman's status and pressing like for their response! These people are feeding off their 'personal attacks' of each other for their sheer amusement and entertainment!
Who are the fools now?
I find it horribly disgusting when women have nothing better to do than to just amuse and occupy their time talking about the personal lives of others. What's more disgusting are the ones running between these two women, transporting filthy bile from one woman to another and then sitting back and watching them explode and degrade each other in public - while they clap, warm up their popcorn and plan more twists for the plot to get even juicier!
I suggest you take yourself to your family doctor and request to see a psychologist for intervention. That is not normal human behavior.
The only outcomes for gossip can never be good.
I've seen too many women suffer public humiliation, depression, self harm and suicide all from the fact that some people just couldn't mind their own business and others weren't intelligent or strong enough to recognize gossip and say - I don't want anything to do with it!!!
And for what? For a mere MAN?
Seriously ladies? Why women give men this amount of credit and importance is half of the problems feminism exists!
I got to get to work now but - if I can just leave you with a thought to ponder on;
Real strong women empower each other and want nothing to do with gossip.
And gossip is sometimes disguised as a good intention! 'I JUST WANT TO WARN YOU THAT SHE'S THIS AND THAT OR THOSE GUYS ARE NOT WHAT YOU THINK?'
She's the type of gossip mill that you really have to work on identifying be a use they often come disguised as mother Theresa - or disguised as your cheerleading squad - but really - they're the 'execution' team! Watch out for those types - they look like angels but with daggers under their wings!
Girls spread rumours and Conspiracy because girls haven't yet learned to overcome their insecurities.
Today - make a constant decision on which one you want to be!
And men, unless you're Brad Pitt, Patrick Dempsey or Channing Tatum - you have no right to degrade a woman for her looks - let alone have a right to degrade a woman at all for whatever reason and I don't care who you are for that matter!
Let's just mind our own business and if you spot gossip just gently nudge them on the shoulder and do a good deed by helping them to rethink their actions!
Here are some quotes I really liked about the topic!
Enjoy and keep those lips sealed!
'Loose lips, sink ships!'