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Thursday, July 2, 2015

The struggles of creating a Magazine

When you're desperately trying to create a Magazine and meet your deadline so you can go to launch - and you realise three weeks prior to the estimated launch date that the name you picked (more like an impulsive wonderful idea at the time) is not going to work.

First - Pasefikaness is wayy too long.

Second - it's a commonly branded name across the region!

Third - you want to use a name that captures the concept of celebrating everything Pasefika but what better word to use than the word Pasefika itself and add in some NESS  for a sense of being, belonging, celebration!!!!
(And now I'm back to square one).

I've had sleepless nights over this name thing.

So I contact my Branding Designer and Web Designers.

'Ladies I want to change the name of the Magazine and I'm positive this is the final change.'

'Okay what is it?'


'Oh but you could confuse your audience with a well established brand - you know the PEOPLE magazine?'

'And you might attract a law suit.'

'Oh right. I forgot about them. And no I have no money to defend any law suits.'

The Web Developer jumps in...'and it's going to mean a whole lot of changes to the templates and design if we change names.'

Oh! Yeah I thought it was just a few tweaking here and a few mouse presses there and the name change is done.

Not to mention, any changes means added costs!

Nope! It's actually a lot of work for the Web Developer to make those changes - and a complete overhaul of designs for the brand designer.

This is what writers like me, don't (pretend doesn't exist) know!

Back to square one.

More sleepless nights and spending my days mostly wandering off into space contemplating possible catchy names.

On top of it - we're looking for more contributing writers and content sub-editors for grammar and punctuation and all that stuff!

Just cos we love to write doesn't mean we're an ace at spotting out typographical errors and perfecting our grammars and punctuation!!!!

No way!

Every successful writer/author/journalist out there is or has worked with a team of sub-editors and editors,who act as an extra set of eyes - to carefully scrutinize all of their work, pull it apart and put it back together until the final product gets to you the reader finely tuned!

Then there are lay-out artists who put together all of the content in a professionally presentable manner that would appeal to the readers! They do all the photoshopping, cropping, enhancing, air brushing! They're like your fairy God Mothers.

They basically make you look good!

Web Designers! Crucial for an 'online magazine'.

Marketing and Business Development Analysts - after all what's the use of making something like a Magazine where you're punching in 60 hours a week (on top of your 9-5 full time job) and not make some money out of it?

Those are any writers' /journalists'/Magazine's Angels! Behind the scenes warriors - diligently running around like ninjas getting all of OUR sometimes unrealistic demands done!

So - got any ideas for a name that would capture our values of shedding light in successes of all Pasefika people and celebrating everything Pasefika?

Do sound it off in comments!

Want to write for us from anywhere in the world that you're based?

Drop me an inbox and I'll jump on it!

Do help a girl stay sane please! 😀

Look forward to hearing or reading some ideas from you!!


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